Proposal Classifications

Separation of Powers

To understand the various kinds of proposals that can get executed into the DAO, we have created a classification system for governance proposals, each utilizing a specific governance strategy.

The checklist below is used to identify the appropriate classification and governance response;

  • CLASSIFICATION 1 - (C1): The Proposal may impact any or all of the following:

    • Nominated distribution of "MAHA Emissions" via gauge voting

    • Inclusion/removal of "MAHA Emission Gauges" (Including Bribes)

  • CLASSIFICATION 2 - (C2): The Proposal may impact any or all of the following;

    • Security and Functionality of Protocol/Ecosystem Contracts

    • Partnership and Service integrations to MahaDAO

  • CLASSIFICATION 3 - (C3): The Proposal may impact any or all of the following;

    • Treasury allocation and distribution

    • The MahaDAO Constitution

By utilizing proposal classifications, we can then leverage more appropriate voting strategies that better meet the needs of the community and protocol. The voting strategies are as follows;

  1. COIN WEIGHTED - Pegged to 'C1' Proposals: Classical approach to Blockchain governance where 1 coin is equal to 1 vote. Quadratic voting is excluded in this context.

  2. DELEGATION - Pegged to 'C2' Proposals: Expanding on 'Coin Weighted' -- Delegation introduces the capability to nominate voting power to one another.

  3. CONSENSUS HYBRID - Pegged to 'C3' Proposals: Expanding on 'Delegation' -- A hybrid model that introduces an additional layer of consensus, utilizing our unique MahaNFT. This is achieved while maintaining privacy needs with no human verification required.

Please continue to read further as we cover the application and rational behind each classification and strategy.

Last updated